The Bullet.................................................... 1
What here, could be more awful than authors................... 2
In horrid-ways, saw I, some flow’r drove...................... 3
Believing silver—stolen, sacred, shared....................... 4
Do not resign a writing nondescript........................... 5
Oh, dismal mem'ry; pallid pate's remains...................... 6
Us men, whose trifle-bore, remember, sure..................... 7
Is stillness not a gaze, unfocused pall....................... 8
Would I be rather cold, engorged on death..................... 9
Advocating Asphyxiation and Anaemic Lacerations.............. 10
Deny-el is Satan; Contemporary Requiem of Consanguinity...... 11
Do children cast out sacred findings ‘mid.................... 12
The egg whence I came, and eat eggs do I..................... 13
Let sunder veins of mine; in view of All..................... 14
Lo! All the Occident limestones below!....................... 15
Thine Kingdom Delivers Bountiful Seeds....................... 16
Glory in the End; What Soulless Encounters of the Spirit!.... 17
Traveling for many steps home................................ 18
I’ve been thinking recently.................................. 19
Which way’s west, and which east;............................ 20
Imperanil: Truly, Nothing, or, How a Fondness Fatigued Itself 21
Three monarchs came visiting................................. 22
Oh the Rosebud............................................... 23
Stillness Upon the Hill...................................... 24
Contact Sanssociation........................................ 25
The right hand cleft, and Onan’s blessing profanes........... 26
flowering evil............................................... 27
Breaking Streams............................................. 28
Forcing my hand numb......................................... 29
People 0..................................................... 30
I love Man's potential to loft’ly dream...................... 31
He walks between us.......................................... 32
Deeper and deeper you will go................................ 33